Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Colin Kept Me Up All Night badge

Release day today. Get your copy now! :)

Carrie and I have both written reviews for AWTBW, here and here (I had to keep mine short though, as I didn't want to reveal too much at the time I wrote it.). Colin and Minerva's remarkable journey may just be one of the best reads of 2012 for me, and it is definitely one of my most favorite stories of love.

It will leave you laughing and crying, and you will have made the happy book noise by the time you reach the end of the story. It made me run through a whole gamut of emotions, practically an adventure in exploration onto itself. The book is filled with genuinely laugh-out-loud moments, it features some of the best verbal sparring matches ever written, and one of the sweetest, honest, and delightful road to self discovery and true love. 

Tessa Dare always delivers, and you all should give her books a try. 

One of my favorite quotes: