This, here, is a blog. About books. About books I've read and or wish to read. And sometimes about books that NEED to be read, because, you know, sometimes reading a certain book at a given time becomes a necessity.
Like today, which is now yesterday, but whatever! Today was one of those days when I absolutely had to finish a book that was so good I ached whenever I put it down. I seriously felt like I would simply die if I left it unfinished for another day.
I was sitting in class, listening to a chemistry lecture about solutions, reactions and equations that would determine half-life. And every now and then I would happen to look at my tab, my dear sweet tab, innocently displaying lecture slides. But my tab also held something deliciously tempting, a romance novel (ebook) that I had started reading the previous night. And I was hungry to finish it.
I did finish it. I read it every chance I got when I had downtime. No regrets.
I just had to read those words. Many of the words were not only sweet, but filling. They were words of passion, of heartbreak, of love. They were words that filled me with hope--all things good. And some bad things as well, which only made it more gratifying, and just more of everything, really. This feeling I had of being full of feelings from reading is what I would like to try to express, and to share these stories. Why?
Doesn't everybody need something that just might put a smile on their face, something that might make them feel good, something that they could get lost in and escape into a different world? Because. Just. Because. Why not?
Why not live part of our lives getting to know characters that may or may not be like us? Why not travel to a place we may or may not have seen before? Or why not travel to a time not of our own? Why not fall for heroes and heroines? Why not grieve with them? Why not share in their joy of happiness? Why not?
Am I being relevant yet? Am I even making sense? It's too late. It's early.
It's Friday.
I promised a friend. I promised myself. This blog will be kept. I will keep it up. When we're here, let's share the love in romance novels and the love of romance novels. It'll be fun!
♥ c